Thursday, August 29, 2013

IT'S A...

Because I have no patience and because the kids will be so close in age, we decided to find out the gender of Baby Kubas at 16 weeks instead of the traditional 20 week check up! Today just so happened to be the first Gamecock Football home game so Alex took the day off and we headed to our appointment in anticipation of finding out if we were going to have another football player OR a cheerleader! Today was also Mak's first day of school at his new daycare, Kathwood Baptist, but we let him play hooky because we wanted him there when we found out! Before we found out we were pregnant with Mak, I always said I wanted all boys but once we found out we were expecting our second child, the thought of a little girl/ Daddy's girl, kept sounding more and more appealing. My pregnancy has been the same as it was with Mak's so we were pretty sure it was another boy but to our surprise, IT'S A GIRL! As soon as we saw the ultrasound screen and heard those words from the nurse, Alex looked at me with a smile that read "I AM IN TROUBLE"! Mak is for sure a Mama's Boy and I know that our sweet baby girl will soon be a Daddy's Girl! Katherine Marie Kubas named after her Aunt Kat{Katherine} and her Grandmama Watson{my mom} and Aunt Amy{Marie} is set to arrive Feb 2014! 

    Excited Daddy and Big Brother to be!