Monday, June 25, 2012

It's a BOY!!

Alex and I are so excited to announce that we will be welcoming a Baby Boy come November! We went to our doctors appointment today and it was pretty clear what we were having. We got to see how much Baby Boy has developed since the last ultrasound and we even got some 3D pictures of his face and legs and arms! We are a couple days shy of 20 weeks which means we are almost HALF WAY THERE! Ahhh! I've always wanted to have a boy because I feel as though I can handle a boy better but we, of course, would have been just as happy with a girl! Alex had a HUGE grin on his face when he realized he was gong to have a son! We got several ultrasound pictures during this visit..
 Baby Boy's sweet face

Proof from the Nurse that HE is a Boy! and Baby Boy's Foot

Baby Boy's body all curled up in mommy's belly!

After our appointment we headed over to my parents house to relax before everyone came over for dinner and to find out if we were having a Baby Boy or Baby Girl! When we were leaving the doctor's office, I told Alex not to go in the house because Mom would automatically know we were having a boy because of his huge grin on his face. Alex got to my parents house before I did, and he was already outside cleaning a dog pen out for Maya. Mom starts grinning and said "Alex is up there cleaning his sorrows away, it must be a girl"! I just started laughing and went on with my business.

I didn't want to use the original gender reveal ideas but wanted to include the kids because I knew that'd enjoy it! Joanna and I headed out Sunday to get a Pinata, some candy and toys and I printed out two puzzles, one that said "It's a Boy" and one that said "It's a Girl" and included all of the pieces for the boy puzzle! I also put in some of the pieces to the girl puzzle to throw everyone off. 

The Loot

The anticipation kept building up and the kids were ready to get outside to hit the pinata. I told Emory before hand that she would be the one putting the puzzle together and which ever puzzle she had all the pieces together, that's what we were having. The rest of the crew got to Mom and Dad's and we were ready to reveal if we were having a Boy or a Girl! The kids took turns swinging..

Then the kids handed the broom bat over to Aunt Jo to bust poor little Nemo. The kids ran to all the candy and toys while I picked up all the puzzle pieces. 

And then Emory put together the puzzle! At first everyone thought it was a boy because there were more blue pieces, then they started putting together the girl puzzle and it looked as if it was coming together, until they realized the last piece to the boy puzzle was there and IT'S A BOY!!
It was fun having the pinata and Emory is obsessed with puzzles, although I think she was more interested in the candy and toys inside the pinata! She did a great job!

For more pictures of the reveal, check out my sister, Amy's, blog post! 

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